Category: General

  • Dog grooming made easy

    Dog grooming made easy

    Do you need excellent dog grooming services for your poodle that is exceptional and attentive to your dog that is local and affordable? PoodleMeNot is a local dog grooming service in Laveen, Arizona. Kate Macy is an experienced dog breeder who specializes in studding dogs.

  • Why I Chose “Dog Grooming” For My Website

    Why I Chose “Dog Grooming” For My Website

    My brother’s wife dogs part time. She wanted to have me make a website for her to advertise her service locally. I thought this would be a great opportunity to work on making a website but also get progress done on her website. This would be a great way to get me more experience while…

  • What I Learned About Categories and Tags

    Categories and tags in posts work to group and classify content on the website. Categories specifically target large topics while tags target small descriptive terms on the website. They both are used to organize and improve the website’s organizational content and structure. Users can find pages by using a filter to search items by category.…